Yellow Sun, foggy sky

Indira Ganesan, Neither Fog nor Sun, 2012

Just before six this morning, the sun was a yellow sphere, hovering above the horizon.  A pale yellow, like the yolk of an egg from a chicken that doesn’t have much room to wander.  Maybe this is a political piece.  The sky is foggy, although skies are never foggy, atmosphere is.  Skies are dark, cloudy, blue, scattered with stars.  It is going to be a hot, hazy day but there is a breeze.  A female cardinal tried to hide in the side-view mirror of my car, maybe because my rusting vehicle looks like her.  She couldn’t find a grasp.  I live in the country part of a seaside resort that is teeming a mile away.  The town is three miles long, surrounded by water and dunes, salt marshes.  Simply to write salt marches is transportive.

In six months,seven days I will have a book out.  An old friend in town has her new novel set to release in two days.  Another friend who used to live in town just had her book released. In this town, writers and painters are working, preparing, gazing into the fog, waiting for the sun to burn an idea clear. Sometimes a deep reed flute breaks the lull.

Here, I hear a squirrel land on a summer branch. The birds talk, distinct dialects. Multilayers. I had a thought but it’s gone now.  The sun shines brighter. There.

6 thoughts on “Yellow Sun, foggy sky

  1. Yan Jing's Family

    Six months seven days. I’ve marked my January.

    Pale yolks. You’ve got me wondering. I thought I saw pale yolks in the eggs of my friend’s free ranging ladies. Maybe I didn’t. Maybe it’s their diet. I give the ladies purslane, a plant that loves to grow in my walk during the scorching dry days of August. They sort of like it. I read purslane make the eggs high in omega 3. The ladies may prefer worms.

    You always get me wondering.


    1. indiraganesan Post author

      Purslane everyone says, Di, ( well three at least ) is so good for us– loaded with vitamins.
      Haven ‘t tried it.
      I think I used poetic lisence because I know I’ve seen nearly orangey yolks at the boulder farmer’s mkt but maybe they were duck eggs. The eggs I bought were usually just yellow. In front of me are two marigolds– one deep orange, the other Tibetan lama yellow. And tiny calififornia poppies the same gold. A red zinnia. Funny.


      1. Yan Jing's Family

        Yes! Purslane! I include it in meals for the whole family, doggie and people. I chop it up and add it to omlettes, stews, and soups. Rebecca Wood writes that it is the highest vegetable source of omega 3, rich in A, C, B and more. In moderation, tridoshic. AND, you can use it externally on insect bites, of which I have many at this time of year.

        CT remembers when he was a little boy in China (1940s), his grandma fed purslane to the pigs.

        I just picked a piece from a plant growing in between bricks to remember what it tastes like raw, so I can tell you. No strong taste. After the first 3 chews: Kinda slimey.

        Your garden is a riot of hot colors! I wish I remembered to put in the zinnia and marigold seeds 90 days ago!


      2. indiraganesan Post author

        Flowers from seeds–what a revelation in the garden for me. Plus purslane which I will add to things now. I had tasted it too and was not so crazy abt taste.


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